
my name is harley!


surah al baqarah 2:170

about me

journalism major20, california
love music so much and learning about political history ; student journalist

english fluent
korean conversational
spanish conversational
french beginner

foreign language press

free pdf's in multiple languages of revolutionary works, and books for sale

so you want to revolution

another carrd filled with even more information on former socialist nations, current pre-conceived notions challenged, and history

gentrification is displacement and replacement of the poor for profit

interactive syllabus on what gentrification is, how to combat it and has selected readings in free pdf form by 'school of echoes'

decolonize palestine

"a collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine". - decolonize palestine main page

liberating library

"book distribution program and online collection of relevant radical resources run by a Pan-African socialist". - liberating library main page

marxist movies/films

letterboxd full of marxist and socialist films curated by @CallaWalsh on twitter

not quite done yet! come back soon <3